apt-get's journal


On the academic side of things, I've survived my finals and actually managed to pass everything. Kind of a miracle, considering I spent the christmas and new year's break doing absolutely nothing and actively avoiding thinking about school. The day where I'm punished for cramming at the last possible moment hasn't arrived yet.

Most of this semester will be spent on an enterprise team project, working with point cloud data to make cool visualization stuff. It feels kind of weird to be working almost full-time on this, especially since I've grown used to skipping classes and catching up when I feel like it throughout all of uni, which isn't possible anymore when I have expectations from the other team members. If only I was paid. At least I won't have to worry much about midterms or final exams, since I only have two actual courses.

On the emotional side... well, I've hit somewhat of a dilemma here. Most of what I've talked about over the years is rather personal, yet I've always felt comfortable sharing it. But what happens when it involves someone else? There are some things I am just not willing to talk about, or at least not now. Doesn't matter whether it was a life-changing event or not. On the other hand, I'm kind of happy to have reached a stage where I have those kinds of shared experiences: it's very meaningful to me.

Still, what's the point of a journal that I cannot bring myself to write in? Is it sufficient to just describe my feelings rather than my actions? In that case, I can safely say that my state of mind has changed a lot since two months ago, in a good direction. I'd like to be more honest when it comes to this, but it's hard.

I'm definitely gonna catch up on what I've missed out on.

Today's tunes: I.W. - 4, breakcore for soul-healing. The entire sequence from track 4 (F) to 6 (mugicha) is breathtaking.

Last modified: February 24, 2023