apt-get's journal

Practicing mindfulness is important.

I often find myself in situations where I have the will to accomplish something, but my mind is too foggy to properly act on that impulse. An all-too-common example: working on my laptop in my bed, slowly getting drowsy, closing the lid and setting an alarm for a 30-minute nap -- and ending up dozing in and out of sleep for 3 or 4 hours, until my body becomes completely lethargic. At various moments, I am almost aware of what is occurring, I know I need to wake up; but the most I ever do is visualize and daydream about what I'm supposed to do.

In this situation, and many others, one needs to snap away from this state of confusion. Getting too caught up in that void will just waste an entire day away. Some techniques I like to use include staring at a fixed point in my room until I stop closing my eyes or seeing in a blur, mindfulness meditation, or simply taking a walk around my room and getting away from the monitor if I'm too engrossed in something orthogonal to productivity.

Life is a constant battle of my will against the entrenched mechanisms of my behavioural routine.

Today's tune: Psychedelic Porn Crumpets - Hymn For A Droid, stoner rock for the masses.

Last modified: February 24, 2023