apt-get's journal

Out of break and into the limbo.

Our school principal announced that our exams wouldn't be postponed beyond August, as we originally thought would happen, and told us to refer to our specific departments for more details. Well, turns out nearly all of our profs are cancelling finals, as it's not possible to set them up under satisfactory conditions. This means more labwork assignments, but hey, still better than stressing away and getting mediocre grades.

On the other hand, I need to deliver my half-finished modular Java project by next week. There's still all the testing units and autogenerating doc to write. Annoying... especially since this language is one of the most boilerplate-filled, uselessly verbose pieces of crapware I've had to deal with until now. Doesn't help that we need to use SE 7, which is quite old by now.

Anyway, enough complaining about school. I've slightly edited the front page to include a small webring section. Might change the design for that box tomorrow.

I'm starting to get a concrete idea of how I would flesh out the Music section of my website, rather than leaving it as a boring file index. This would also involve new content. Stay tuned for when I implement this in 2030!

Today's tune: Kid606 - Who Wah Kill Sound?, a fine piece of early 2000's breakbeats~breakcore.

Last modified: February 24, 2023