apt-get's journal

One class in a day makes me a happy man. Time for a week review!

This week has been pretty unproductive, all in all. I've gotten some work left over from the past few weeks done, but also missed more than one (CYBER-)lecture, which is gonna set me back quite a bit. I'll also have to do some in-house physical activity, since I'm unable to walk outside and I've been eating more than usual.

I've set up an online study plan with some friends. Hopefully it'll help me try to squeeze in a few hours a day of work.

Finally, I'll have to stop with the 4AM sleep. Waking up at 1PM wastes 4-5 hours in the morning and just makes me groggy for the rest of the day. I'll try and gradually go to bed earlier, starting from tonight.

Today's tune: Venetian Snares - Hajnal

Last modified: February 24, 2023