apt-get's journal

I woke up fully rested at 8AM today. Glad that my plan ended up working out, I got out of bed, took a nice breakfast, picked up my laptop intending to work on a project due tomorrow I hadn't started yet, and promptly fell asleep again until 2PM. When your body doesn't want to get up, it just won't. Ah well.

After I was done for the day with school matters, I was enticed by a relative to install Dofus again. I know starting an MMORPG now is a bad idea, but eh, I had a blast this evening. I'll try and keep it contained to a certain amount of time.

A couple of interesting things I read today:

- Elites and Panic: a paper aiming to kickstart discussion on the relationship between panic as commonly thought of, which is attributed to the public exclusively, and the elites, meant as the people in a situation of power in a given context. From that postulate, three opinions are expressed: that elites fear panic (the threat of a breakdown in social bonds and order is often more of a threat to decision-makers than the event that would cause them), that elites cause panic (by withholding information or acting rashly, creating a self-fulfilling prophecy), and that elites themselves panic (albeit in ways that are less noticeable due to their influence on the system and processes).

- A beginner's guide to Shibuya-Kei: a review of the genre and its evolution, using a few key albums to illustrate the shift in its sound from the late 80's to today.

I'll do better tomorrow.

Today's tune: DJ Sharpnel - FUWANITY

Last modified: February 24, 2023