apt-get's journal

Keeping in touch with old friends is no easy matter, especially when you're not in the same area or country anymore. There isn't really anything you can talk about on a regular basis if you don't share a few hobbies... and all too often, this ends in only shooting them a message whenever a birthday notification pops up on whatever social media. Long-distance relationships of any kind are hard.

So I was pleasantly surprised to receive a call from a high school friend yesterday! I certainly didn't expect anyone to be proactive with regard to myself. We talked for a bit more than an hour, catching up on each other's situation and reminiscing a bit about the old times—though I doubt it was far enough in the past to be justifiably called that.

I felt a bit guilty afterwards, thinking of how I didn't really put in any significant effort to at least upkeep those links on my side. Not even reaching a point where I'm talking with them regularly, just inquiring about how they're doing once every few months would be enough. I wouldn't even say I was afraid of something in particular: it's just the vicious, cunning kind of apathy that slowly seeps into our everyday life and makes us postpone or forget about such things.

It's important to maintain those relationships: if they wither, a part of you does so along with them.

On another note, I've had quite a few dreams detailed/consistent enough to be noted down in the past couple of days, which I promptly did upon waking up... only to realize when I really came around that it was all in my head, and I hadn't actually typed out anything. Quite annoying when it happens, but eh.

Last modified: February 24, 2023