apt-get's journal


To be frank, I've only remembered this morning that Spring has left us. I was too engrossed in my exams during the preceding week to take notice of something like that. The past three months have been neither too short nor too long, which is surprising, considering how quickly January and February flew by right before. I suppose your perception of time depends a lot on how busy you are...

After a few excruciatingly drawn-out weeks, I've finally received a positive answer with regards to my internship request. It's a month-long blue-collar internship, the so-called stage ouvrier in France, an unavoidable part of any future engineer's first year of studies. Designed not only to teach about the structure and inner workings inherent to an industrial firm, but also to make future upper-class managers and executives a bit more aware of the hardships and difficulties of the guys slaving away down there, it is the bane of every student... but I haven't met anyone who regrets after the fact what may seem like a wasted summer.

As a bonus, it will help me recoup the losses that will be incurred during Japan Expo in less than two weeks. It will be my first con, and not just any, but the single biggest convention related to otaku culture out of the Japanese mainland.


I have started a dream diary. Funnily enough, I've been writing in it more frequently than in my actual diary (this is only my second entry, after all). I'd never realised how much it could influence my sleep: I'm a rather heavy napper, and while dreams were a monthly occurrence for me previously, I generally have one fascinating or meaningful enough to be written down every few days now.

I hope that years from now, I'll be able to look back on this catalogue of silly little slumber fantasies and see how it has evolved. Will they still feature the same themes, or will they take a much darker turn? I wonder...

Last modified: February 24, 2023