apt-get's journal

I've decided to start writing a diary. It's something I've had in the back of my mind for a very long time, especially during high school, but that I never acted upon. I've always had doubts regarding the quality of my own prose due to being a somewhat minimalist writer: I tend to forego details and go straight to the point, even if the result ends up being an uncomprehensible mess. It's partly to improve myself on this aspect that I took up this little journal intime of mine.

That is not the only reason, though. One of my most critical failings, at least in my view, is a lack of artistic creativity that grew along with my intellectual laziness. I used to be much more inventive when I was younger: imaginary worlds, music, and writing were all things that used to be so much more accessible to me. As I started to grow up, a switch seemed to flip in my head, and I became much more self-conscious about anything I did, while shame and embarrassment mattered much less to me in the past: going by the MBTI types, I guess I went from an INFP to an INTJ. I enjoy my hobbies and passions as they are at the moment, but that sacrifice still saddens me. Being left with a tenth of your piano skills compared to a decade ago is definitely not a nice feeling.

Hopefully regularly putting down my thoughts on (virtual) paper might allow me to gain back this creativity I lost.

There's plenty of other things I should have probably talked about first, but I'll leave that to another entry.

Last modified: February 24, 2023